Storyboards and Scripts

Monday 3rd October


- A storyboard is an essential planning device in film and television sector of media.
-It is mostly used by directors as it allows them to think in advance about their product.
- It also helps them think through the technical and audio codes they might use to create a narrative.
-Making a storyboard helps media producers think through the moving imagine their minds and then on paper with the camerashots, angles and transition all included.

Key conventions

1. Order of shots
2. Hand drawn sketch
3. Shot type
4. Timing
5. Breif description
6. Music/shot movement/dialogue


Script conventions
1.first line: in capitals int (internal) or ext (external) setting exact location and time of day
2.character names: always in capitals
3.description of actions: explains the scenes in detail
4.sound effects: in capitals
5.character lines (dialogue): justified centre of the page,under name of each character
6.character's information: in brackets
7.spacing: an empty line after each piece of information


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